IL VOLO, which literally means “the flight” in Italian, is a dynamic, powerhouse trio taking the world by storm. Baritone Gianluca Ginoble and tenors Piero Barone and Ignazio Boschetto describe their music as “popera,” a subgenre of pop music performed in an operatic style, though some of their albums are pure opera.
The trio are only in their early twenties, but have already accomplished so much–worldwide performances, top-selling albums, a tour with legendary songstress Barbra Streisand and representing Italy at Eurovision 2015 in Vienna after winning the Sanremo Music Festival. In September 2016, together with  Plácido Domingo, the group released Notte Magica: a Tribute to The Three Tenors. The live album is an homage to the iconic concert held on the eve of the Italia ’90 World Cup/the 1990 World Cup in Italy, and many of the songs performed by The Three Tenors (Plácido Domingo, José Carreras and Luciano Pavarotti) are featured. “After all, we grew up listening to Pavarotti, Domingo and Carreras–our idols–so this album isn’t really a tribute, but rather a way of remembering this magical night.”
For Gianluca, Piero and Ignazio, it all began many years ago when they started singing as children, but they were brought together seven years ago. In 2009 they met on an Italian talent show as solo performers, and then they sang the most famous Neapolitan song, O Sole Mio, together and everything changed overnight! Everyone was so impressed by these three kids with the most magical voices signing such a complex classical piece. “That was the night we touched people’s hearts! We started touring the world and that lasted until two years ago when we came back to Italy to participate in the most prestigious song contest, Sanremo, and won it with our hit single, Il Grande Amore.” Their success brought Il Volo tremendous popularity in their native Italy, as well as being able to perform in the nation’s biggest concert arenas and the chance to represent Italy in Eurovision 2015. “As Italians, we try to bring a little piece of it with us in our songs and albums. We are deeply proud of our heritage.”
In January 2016 the trio began its world tour of the US, Europe and Latin America, which offered them access to some of the globe’s most prestigious stages.
“We are so proud of our latest accomplishment: we shared the stage and recorded an album with our idol, Plácido Domingo. We really like to work with famous and talented people like Barbra Streisand, Eros Ramazzotti and Laura Pausini, but maybe one day we will perform in the White House and win a Grammy Award!”
I was pleasantly surprised by how much this dynamic trio has achieved at such a young age, and how they’ve stayed true to their identity. “The modern-day music business is so diverse that there is a place for everyone–pop, rock, hip hop, naked people…
Our motto is: ‘don’t fall for the trends and stay true to your work.’ We want to help popularize this kind of music and bring Italian traditions to the modern world, combining the old with the new.”
What does the future hold for Il Volo? “One can’t say. Our lives transform so fast and things change for us really quickly. One thing that is for sure is that we hope to remain as a group and perform together for many years to come, sharing Italian musical traditions with the world. Through our music and performances, we pay tribute to the most beautiful songs of all time.”
With all that being said, it’s worth mentioning that the boys don’t only sing Italian songs–Il Volo’s repertoire is vastly diverse, ranging from American classics from musicals like West Side Story and My Way, to Spanish classics and modern songs like Cielito Lindo and No Puede Ser.
What does being InLove mean to these three unstoppable young men who just follow their dreams?
“We love to be in love with music.”
On November 20th, 2016 the central Italy newspaper “Il Centro” published a great interview to Gianluca Ginoble.

Gianluca Ginoble: ho una vita da star ma Montepagano resta la mia casa by Lalla D’Ignazio (Il Centro – November 20th, 2016)
English translation by Susan
Gianluca Ginoble: I have a star’s life but Montepagano will always be my home
The singer from Il Volo, the world famous trio, says “ Our warmest fans are those in South America and the United States but I don’t want to live anywhere else but my region” By Lalla D’Ignazio

Read the whole translated interview here.....
Pura Química is a sports and entertainment program broadcast by ESPN 2 (For Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay) and ESPN Deportes (For the US)
On November 1st, 2016 in São Paulo, Il Volo was interviewed by AAIV website during the promotional tour in Brazil. Read translations of this interview and more content about Il Volo on

On Monday, October 24th, at 1:30pm, Show-Score will be live on Facebook and chat with Italian pop-opera trio Il Volo.